Winners of Online International Contests – Portfolio

The winners of International Contests come from different parts of Romania, Republic of Moldova, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Malta, Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, USA, Mongolia, South Korea and Thailand. We congratulate all the participants and we want the Festival 4 Arts to promote over time a plethora of international artistic values.

The Online Contests series of the Festival 4 Arts is designed for you, so that you can find your passion and be able to compete with people like you from all over the world. The competitions are promoted internationally and aim to discover and promote new talents in the 4 arts – music, visual arts, theater and literary creation. They aim to cultivate universal values and encourage the public to appreciate them. The competitions are open to children, young people and adults who want to compete in order to assert their talent through this means.

Winners @ Xmas Carols & Masterpieces Contest, 3rd Ed.

Winners of International Xmas Carols & Masterpieces Contest, 3rd Edition come from Romania, Poland, Malta, Serbia and Republic of Moldova. We wish you all a Happy New Year with health, joy and full of beautiful achievements! / Vă dorim tuturor un An Nou cu sănătate, bucurii și plin de realizări frumoase. Although the Jury was demanding, according to the regulations, each category, section…

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Winners – International Visual Arts Competition, 3rd Edition

Introduction / Introducere We congratulate all the competitors for their creativity and love for art. The jury was very demanding, however we, as organizers, wanted to reward all of the participants. Thus, the range of grades we gave, as organizers, to each award is very large. The order of the list represents the order of the notes. The Grand Prize has three marks…

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Winners-International Literary Creation, 3rd Edition

Introduction / Introducere We congratulate the winners and all the competitors who, once again, demonstrate the talent of the Romanian people in literary creation. The jury was very demanding, however we, as organizers, wanted to reward all of the participants. Thus, the range of grades we gave, as organizers, to each award is very large. The order of the list represents the order…

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Winners of International Piano & Organ Competition

The 2nd Edition of The International Online Piano & Organ Competition of the Festival 4 Arts / Festivalul de Arte impressed all of us with the high level of the interpretations and and consequently there are many winners. That is why there are actually more Great Prizes than initially offered and even two Trophies! Terms: ”Ex Aequo” means that the money prize will…

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Winners – International Xmas Carols & Masterpieces Contest

We wish you all a Happy New Year with health, joy and full of beautiful achievements! / Vă dorim tuturor un An Nou cu sănătate, bucurii și plin de realizări frumoase. Although the Jury was demanding, according to the regulations, each category, section and age group was able to benefit from the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Prize. Thus, in cases where there was…

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Winners – International String & Chamber Music Contest

The Winners of the International String & Chamber Music Competition come from Romania, Germany, Belgium, Finland, Bulgaria, Republic of Moldova, USA, South Korea, Thailand.We congratulate and thank all the competitors, wishing them success, hard work and love of music. Although the Jury was demanding, according to the regulations, each category, section and age group was able to benefit from the 1st, 2nd or…

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Winners-Canto Performance-International Contest, Ed. II

We congratulate all the competitors for their creativity and love for singing performance. We hope to see your performances again in future editions of the contest. Now, however, we invite you all to claim your prizes, at: Felicităm toți concurenții pentru creativitatea și dragostea lor pentru arta cântecului. Sperăm să vă revedem în edițiile viitoare ale concursului. Acum, însă, vă invităm pe toți…

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Winners-Drama Performance-International Contest

We congratulate all the competitors for their creativity and love for drama performance. The jury was demanding, however we, as organizers, wanted to reward all of the participants. We hope to see your performances again in future editions of the contest. Now, however, we invite you all to claim your prizes, at: Felicităm toți concurenții pentru creativitatea și dragostea lor pentru actorie. Juriul…

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Winners-Visual Arts-International Contest, Edition II

We congratulate all the competitors for their creativity and love for art. The jury was demanding, however we, as organizers, wanted to reward all of the participants. We hope to see your works again in future editions of the contest. Now, however, we invite you all to claim your prizes, at: Felicităm toți concurenții pentru creativitatea și dragostea lor pentru artă. Juriul a…

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Winners-Literary Creation-International Contest, Edition II

We congratulate all the competitors who, once again, demonstrate the talent of the Romanian people in literary creation. The jury was demanding, which proves that the value of the competitors is high. We hope to read you all again in future editions of the contest. Now, however, we invite you all to claim your prizes, at: Îi felicităm pe toți concurenții care,…

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Winners of the International Piano and Violin Contest

We are happy to announce the decision of the Juries regarding the Winners of thr International Piano and Violin Performance Contest, Edition I, organized by the Festival 4 Arts (Festivalul de Arte). Wonderful children and young people, future great artists, managed to bring us the Emotion, Joy and Story of their Soul through every shared sound. Thank you! If we keep talking about…

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Premiile pentru Concursul de Colinde și Piese Religioase

Premiile pentru Concursul de Colinde și Piese Religioase reflectă pe de o parte Bucuria Crăciunului, dar și faptul că au fost concurenți buni și foarte buni. Juriul este format din membri recunoscuți pe plan național și internațional cu o mare experiență în arta cântului, în pedagogie și în jurizare. Președintele Juriului este celebra Maestră – Soprana Prof. Dr. Silvia Voinea, a cărei reputație este…

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Premiile pentru Concursul „Dor de Tradiții”, Ediția I

Premiile pentru Concursul „Dor de Tradiții” reflectă Bucuria Crăciunului, pe de o parte, dar și faptul că au fost concurenți buni și foarte buni. Juriul a apreciat în mod deosebit „Abordarea repertorială, Intonația, Abordarea fidelă a elementelor ritmico-melodice (din partitură sau din contextul piesei prezentate), omogenitatea și echilibrul vocal (pentru grup), Agogica și dinamica, Dicția și frazarea, Fidelitatea stilistică, Personalitate interpretativă, Relația dirijor…

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Câștigătorii Concursului de Muzică – Corzi Grave, Ediția I

Dragii noștri, Avem bucuria de a anunța decizia Juriului privind Câștigătorii Concursului de Muzică – Corzi Grave, Ediția I, organizat de Festivalul de Arte (Festival 4 Arts). Copii minunați, mici viitori mari artiști, au reușit să ne aducă în dar Emoția, Bucuria și Povestea Sufletului lor prin fiecare sunet împărtășit. Mulțumim! Dacă tot vorbim despre Daruri, ale noastre sunt următoarele: În ce constau…

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Winners of the Poetry Contest, 1st Edition

A word to competitors We enjoyed reading a lot of beautiful poetry, of various genres, through which the English word became pictorial, enriched in meanings, in love, traveled in chosen clothes to our souls. Because we didn’t want to leave this trip unpaid, we enriched the jury’s decision with two Grand Prizes (one for Romanian and one for English), which allowed the competitors…

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